Divya Patanjali Drishti Eye Drops
Divya Drishti (Netra Jyoti) is the very effective Eye Drops produced by Divya Pharmacy of Baba Ramdev for any kind of eye problem even including cataractand glaucoma.
Swami Ramdev’s Divya Medicines are 100% natural, made from potent herbs such as the ashtavarga healing plants of the himalayas. They have proven extremely effective for combating all forms of sickness and disease. Along with these medicines, Swamiji recommends patients to also adopt the practice of Pranayam, which will strengthen the immune system and quicken the healing process.
Good for :-
- Persons wearing Spectacles.
- Persons doing computer jobs or any other eye straining job.
- Old age retired people
- General use
- Eye cleansing
- Remove dust etc.
Mode of administration and dosage
Apply one drop in each eye twice in the morning & evening.
(For External use only)
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